


book Nederland in 2050

“Nederland in 2050” outlines possible future scenarios for The Netherlands in terms of urban and rural planning, demographics, infrastructure, transport, energy, work, shifting focuses and values, global vs local and climate change. The book was commissioned by Dekker Group, a Dutch firm that specialises in quarrying sand, clay and stone, to help them determine their long-term strategy and their mission of becoming a
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Illustrated map for Londonist Drinks book

Illustrated map of the Karl Marx pub crawl along Tottenham Court Road for the book Londonist Drinks, published by AA Publishing. It features six pubs, some of which Karl Marx visited while on his infamous bender in the late 1850s. His pub crawl ended in a wild police chase after Marx and his friends got up to some serious mischief. The map also indicates a few other Marx-related landmarks in the area: his former home
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Healthy Aging

Illustrations for the book Masterplan HUID & HAAR – 100% Natuurlijk mooi, on ‘healthy aging’. Published by Life Unlimited (NL). [click image to enlarge]
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